What is Human Design?
Human design is a science of differentiation. It describes how we are predisposed to be different and gives us strategies to maximize our uniqueness. If we imagine for a moment that each of us is a vehicle – a car, an airplane, a boat, or a hot air balloon – we immediately understand that each of them requires different handling and uses different fuel. Similarly, to manifest your potential, you must approach yourself according to your unique nature.
“The Human Design System came into existence, when Ra Uru Hu, a highly intelligent Canadian living on the island of Ibiza, had a powerful, eight day long, mystical experience in 1987. During this revelation he received the mechanics of the Human Design System.
Human Design is known as ‘The Science of Differentiation’ and ‘The Science of Awakening’. It is all that and more. It is a gateway to self-knowledge at an incredibly deep level.
After much reluctance, Ra Uru Hu began to teach this knowledge and it has evolved into a comprehensive science, which millions have been experimenting with ever since.
I was a direct student of Ra Uru Hu’s and was associated with him as student, colleague and friend for many years. I have been deeply involved in Personal Development work for 40 years. In 1987, I co-founded and ran Kindred Spirit magazine, one of the world’s leading Mind, Body, Spirit magazines. I was the ‘Editor-in-Chief’ for 20 years and of all the information that came across my desk and the countless investigations I was personally involved with, only Human Design has continued to be a profound calling and life long investigation for me. Why? Simply because I have never seen it fail to apply accurately to everyone. I have experimented with its application both personally and through more than 8,000 consultations and the many hundreds of my students, after almost two decades of being immersed in this Knowledge.
Human Design is known as the ‘Mechanics of the Maya’, ‘The Science of Differentiation’ and ‘The Science of Awakening’. It is a synthesis of genetic information and ancient wisdoms including the I’Ching, Astrology and the Kabbalah.
It enables one to accurately differentiate oneself from everyone else and is a gateway to selfknowledge at an incredibly deep level. This self-knowledge contains information that can be practically applied in one’s life.
You are truly unique and have a very specific Design. There is not another person on the planet that has exactly your variation of characteristics. Even twins born a few minutes apart will have differences in the deeper layers of their unique pattern.
The Human Design Chart a.k.a. as Bodygraph

Your chart is like a map that clearly shows your precise traits and propensities that genetically
delineate you from others. It is on the basis of your chart that this report has been constructed. The chart is calculated from your time, date and place of birth. As astrologers have known for hundreds of years, the precise time and place of incarnation fixes a pattern that we then live out during the course of our life.
Human Design is not a fatalistic system. Human beings are a mixture of nature and nurture and our life progresses according to the decisions we make in life.
We all have both conscious (Black) and unconscious (Red) aspects in us. Your chart will not
change. It shows the way you are designed to operate and this report has translated what is
represented in your chart into clear descriptive prose.
The Four Types
The simplest and broadest difference between us is Type. Just as there are four different blood types, so there are four different Types of human being. Each Type has a different aura and operates in a different way from the other Types.
Approximately 9% of the population, they are designed to be initiators and take actions that will impact others. Human Design advises that it is necessary that they inform those they will impact, before they take action to reduce the amount of resistance they can experience in life. Manifestors often experience anger but they really long for a peaceful life where they are free to manifest without interference. They are not designed to continually work, but to get things going and then move on to the next project or new territory.
Generators (and the subset Manifesting Generators)
Generators make up around 68% of the world’s population. They are designed to be the builders that get the work done. They have their own Life-Force energy source that continually regenerates.
If they follow their own internal ‘response’ to do the work that is correct for them, they can lead a satisfying and productive life. Unfortunately, most do not know about the ‘response’ mechanism in them and instead lead a life of frustration by engaging in work for financial gain rather than work that satisfies them and makes their life worth living.
Projectors make up around 22% of the population. They are designed to be guides and they have the gift of being able to help others use their energy more effectively and become more successful.
They can be excellent at really seeing what is going on in others. They are not designed to work consistently and need to be recognised by those who can benefit from their guidance. In order to be recognised as guides, they need to wait to be invited.
Unfortunately, most try to impose their views without waiting for the correct invitation and as a result are not appreciated. The consequence of this is a feeling of bitterness at not being seen for the benefit they can bring.
Reflectors make up around 1% of the population. They experience time in a very different way from the other Types and have a special relationship with the Moon. They need to wait out at least one full Moon Cycle (28.5 days) to make a decision that is congruent with what is consistent in their regular pattern that changes throughout the month. They can make the best judges as their aura does not become attached to what they reflect from others. By sampling others as they move through life, they can discern what’s happening in others. They long for the surprise of true originality in those who live their differentiated lives. Sadly, this is rare and so they usually experience disappointment.
Most people will already be experiencing resistance in their life, according to their Type.
Frustration, Bitterness, Anger and Disappointment are rife in the world. Ill-health and being stuck in jobs, relationships and locations that simply make life much harder than it need be, is commonplace.
As you become more aware of what is correct for you, acting incorrectly becomes more evident.
For example: a Generator who commits to something without following their ‘response’ will find themselves stuck and give up on whatever it is, when their expectations are shattered by difficulties they do not have the energy to overcome. They can then recall when they made the commitment and realise it was a mental decision, not a genuine ‘response’.
The Core of your Design

There are nine Centres in a Human Design Chart. Those centres that are coloured in your chart are described as ‘Defined’ or ‘Fixed’ which means such Centres are connected to at least one other Centre via a Channel of Life Force that is greater than the sum of the parts linking the two together. The parts are the Gates at either end of the Channels. Each Gate has it’s own quality and together, when the two Gates are connected, produce a quantum of the two. Everything that is colored in your chart represents your core strengths, your potential.
Open or white Centres become part of a shadow side of us i.e. our ‘Not-Self’, where we try to be something we are not and cannot be consistently. In so doing, an uncomfortable frequency emanates from us, as we pretend to be different to who we actually are. Becoming aware of such propensities is a major part of the awakening process that comes through working with The Human Design knowledge.
By accepting your Design and seeing the truth of it, you can begin to surrender to your Strategy and Authority in making decisions that are correct for your unique nature.” – Richard Beaumont, human design analyst and teacher, director of the Human Design school in the United Kingdom.
Watch this introduction into human design system by its very founder and messenger, Ra Uru Hu:
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